
Showing posts from February, 2019

Student instructions

Something that scares you Fashion Orientated Something that reminds you of your childhood Photograph a shadow Photograph any community Something Falling Down Anything that makes you laugh or brings a smile to your face Take a photograph that makes a statement Take a picture of something you want to overcome What would you rather be doing on a Monday Photograph something with pattern or texture Something looking out a window Take a picture of writing Photograph something in opposition

24 Hour Project


Unmade Photo

The photo I wish I had an image of is my Dad seeing his parents for the first time in twenty-two years. It was such a powerful moment watching my father and grandmother start crying as they hugged and just hearing her say "my beautiful boy". This was also the first time I got to meet my grandparents. It’s a moment that will always define my family and our life. My Grandparents are such a huge part of our life now I can't imagine it without them.

Why are you taking intro to digital photo?

I have always been asked "How did your parents meet?" because my mother is Puerto Rican who grew up in Rochester N. Y. and my dad is Australian. My answer is "Kodak". My Mom was working there as a secretary when my Dad was offered a job out of college to work for Kodak in Australia. After a while they asked him if he was interested in going on assignment in America. They sent him to Rochester N.Y. where he met my mom. They have now been married for 27 years and my dad's been with Kodak for 33. This is why I have always loved photography. In a way it is responsible for my very existence. In high school I was able to take my first digital photography class and loved it. Because of this I wanted to take this course as a way to build on my knowledge and ability as a photographer.

twelve questions

1. Who are you?  (Photo courtesy of Sarah Rollinson) 2. What did you look like as a child? (Photo from my parents archive) 3. What is your main character trait? (Photo courtesy of Sarah Rollinson)  4. What inspires you? 5. What do you like to take photos of? 6. What do you love most about photography? (Photo courtesy of Caitlin Durnbaugh) 7. What would you be if you weren't a photographer? (Image courtesy of Susan Rollinson) 8. What is the first thing you see every morning? 9. What is your favorite photo? (Image from my parents archive) 10. What is a secret about you and/or a friend?  (Image courtesy of Sarah Rollinson) 11. What is a photo cliche? (Image courtesy of Peter Rollinson) 12. What is the meaning of life? (Image courtesy of Susan Rollinson's Instagram)